How Can MRC
Help You?
MRC Industries, Inc. serves individuals in Kalamazoo County with developmental or intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, emotional impairments and mental illness.

Human Services

Business Services

Welcome to
MRC Industries
MRC’s service philosophy is that every person is unique, valuable, and entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. Person-centered programs and services focus on individual needs, desires, strengths, and abilities-supporting people to become independent at home, at work, and in the community.
In all programs and services, MRC’s highly trained staff members have made a career choice to work with people with disabilities. They are skilled, committed individuals who enjoy having caring and respectful personal relationships with the people they serve.
MRC Industries Bestowed With
Nonprofit of the Year Award 2024
Individuals served
Hours of integration into the community through volunteering
Individuals employed in the community
How Can You Help?
We are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those with diabilities. With your generous support, we can continue our efforts to bring about meaningful change and create a better future.
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